Chapter 49 - Factory-Built Homes.
- 75-49-1 - Short title.
- 75-49-3 - Definitions.
- 75-49-5 - Statement of policy; rule-making power.
- 75-49-7 - Compliance with commissioner's rules.
- 75-49-9 - Annual licensing and renewal requirements and procedures; fees; penalties; establishment and implementation of installation program; installation inspection and fee.
- 75-49-11 - Administration of chapter.
- 75-49-13 - Hearings and appeals.
- 75-49-15 - Exemptions or exceptions with respect to factory-built homes produced in other states.
- 75-49-17 - Enforcement.
- 75-49-19 - Violations; penalties; exceptions.
- 75-49-21 - Permit fees for manufactured or mobile homes.