Chapter 21 - Trusts and Combines in Restraint or Hindrance of Trade.
- 75-21-1 - Trust and combine; defined.
- 75-21-3 - Additional contracts or combinations not allowed by law.
- 75-21-5 - Agricultural and other organizations not forbidden.
- 75-21-7 - Penalty for violation of anti-trust laws.
- 75-21-9 - Private persons and corporations may sue.
- 75-21-11 - Contracts void.
- 75-21-13 - Corporations not to purchase competing one.
- 75-21-15 - To defraud in public contracts.
- 75-21-17 - Moneys not collectible.
- 75-21-19 - Proceedings for forfeiture of charter and right to do business.
- 75-21-21 - Proceedings may be brought in county where trust and combine formed.
- 75-21-23 - Proceedings may be brought in county where violation of law occurred.
- 75-21-25 - Witness not to be excused from testifying.
- 75-21-27 - Witness not liable to indictment or prosecution.
- 75-21-29 - Books, records to be produced in court.
- 75-21-31 - Penalty for failure to comply.
- 75-21-33 - Right to examine books, records and accounts of corporations.
- 75-21-35 - Corporations answerable for unlawful act.
- 75-21-37 - Duties of district attorneys.
- 75-21-39 - Application of chapter.