Chapter 39 - Agricultural Liming Materials.
- 69-39-1 - Short title; administration of chapter.
- 69-39-3 - Definitions.
- 69-39-5 - Labeling requirements; posting at bulk delivery sites.
- 69-39-7 - Sale of liming materials not in compliance with chapter, or toxic to plants or animals, prohibited.
- 69-39-9 - Sale and distribution permit required; applications.
- 69-39-11 - Annual registration of liming products.
- 69-39-13 - Inspection and testing of liming materials; samples; procedures; distribution of results.
- 69-39-15 - Issuance of stop sale or use order for products sold in violation of chapter; release from order.
- 69-39-17 - Penalties for violations of chapter; warnings.
- 69-39-19 - Promulgation of rules and regulations.
- 69-39-21 - Repealed.