69-37-9 - Entry upon premises to carry out provisions of chapter; monitoring, inspection, treatment with pesticides, and other activities; notice to owner; warrant.

§ 69-37-9. Entry upon premises to carry out provisions of chapter; monitoring, inspection, treatment with pesticides, and other activities; notice to owner; warrant.

The commissioner or his authorized agent (s), after first notifying the owner, shall have authority to enter cotton fields, cotton processing facilities and other premises in order to carry out survey, suppression or eradication activities, including treatment with pesticides and monitoring of growing cotton or other host plants as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The commissioner or his authorized agent shall have authority to make inspection of any fields or premises in this state and any property located therein for the purpose of determining whether such property is infested with the boll weevil and for determining the extent of infestation. Such inspection and other activities may be conducted in a reasonable manner without a warrant at any reasonable time. Any judge of this state may, within his or her jurisdiction and upon proper cause shown, issue a warrant giving the commissioner the right of entry to any premises for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section or other activities authorized by this chapter. 

Sources: Laws,  1993, ch. 345, § 5, eff from and after July 1, 1993.