69-13-105 - Charges against impounded livestock.
§ 69-13-105. Charges against impounded livestock.
The fees, assessments, liens and charges against livestock picked up and impounded under Sections 69-13-101 and 69-13-103 are as follows:
(a) An assessment of ten dollars ($10.00) per head, which shall go to the private individual employed by the commissioner of public safety to perform such work.
(b) Two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per head, which shall be an impoundment fee, one dollar ($1.00) of which shall be forwarded, for each animal impounded, to the state treasurer, earmarked for the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol, on the first day of each month, and the balance of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) shall be deposited in the general county fund of the county in which the animal is impounded.
(c) There shall be an assessment of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per day, per head of impounded livestock, such assessment to be deposited in the general county fund to pay for the cost of feeding and caring for such livestock, if the livestock is impounded in a county-owned and operated enclosure, but if the animal is impounded in a private enclosure provided by the private individual employed by the commissioner of public safety, such fee shall be paid to that individual.
(d) Any incidental costs, such as securing the services of a veterinarian, a milker or other necessary incidental expenses.
All the above assessments, fees and costs shall be and are hereby made a first and paramount lien upon such animals until same are paid in full, and upon the sale of the livestock, as provided in this article, all such assessments shall be withheld and taken from the proceeds of the sale and paid to the proper person, officer or fund as set forth above prior to the payment of any amount to the original owner of the animal.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 4876-01; Laws, 1956, ch. 140, § 1; Laws, 1958, ch. 463, § 1; Laws, 1973, ch. 321, § 1, eff from and after passage (approved March 14, 1973).