Chapter 3 - Sale of Light Wine, Beer, and Other Alcoholic Beverages.
- 67-3-1 - Declaration of purpose.
- 67-3-3 - Definitions.
- 67-3-5 - Light wines and beer legalized.
- 67-3-7 - Local option elections in county.
- 67-3-9 - Local option elections in certain municipalities.
- 67-3-11 - Homemade wine.
- 67-3-13 - Prohibition against possession of light wine and beer in dry counties; penalty; exceptions.
- 67-3-15 - Permit and/or license required.
- 67-3-17 - Application for permit; oath.
- 67-3-19 - Qualifications of applicant for permit as retailer.
- 67-3-21 - Qualification of applicant for permit as distributor.
- 67-3-22 - Brewpub production limits and unlawful acts.
- 67-3-23 - Issuance, display, and transfer of permits.
- 67-3-25 - Sales authorized by permit; expiration of permit.
- 67-3-27 - Licenses.
- 67-3-28 - Brewpub alcoholic content testing requirements.
- 67-3-29 - Revocation or suspension of permit by commissioner.
- 67-3-31 - Judicial revocation or suspension of permit; affidavit and complaint.
- 67-3-33 - Judicial revocation or suspension of permit; service of notice.
- 67-3-35 - Judicial revocation or suspension of permit; hearing and judgment.
- 67-3-37 - Judicial revocation or suspension of permit; enforcement.
- 67-3-39 - Judicial revocation or suspension of permit; jurisdiction of courts is not exclusive.
- 67-3-41 - Judicial revocation or suspension of permit; sections are cumulative.
- 67-3-43 - Repealed.
- 67-3-45 - Loans and extension of credit to retailers prohibited; brewpub exemption.
- 67-3-46 - Manufacturers of light wines or beer prohibited from acting as wholesalers or distributors.
- 67-3-47 - Repealed.
- 67-3-48 - Repealed.
- 67-3-49 - Manufacture, sale or storage of light wine or beer with alcoholic content of more than 5% prohibited.
- 67-3-51 - Sales from other than original containers prohibited.
- 67-3-52 - Sale of beer or light wine obtained outside state.
- 67-3-53 - Unlawful acts.
- 67-3-54 - Exemption for person over age 18 but less than 21; parental consent; military personnel; employee of establishment licensed to sell light wine or beer.
- 67-3-55 - Possession or sale of light wine or beer not purchased from licensed or authorized manufacturer or wholesaler prohibited; brewpub exemption.
- 67-3-57 - Possession or sale of light wine or beer before permit secured or during time of revocation or suspension prohibited.
- 67-3-59 - Penalty for sales to persons not holding permits and sales of untaxed wine or beer; notice; disposition of proceeds.
- 67-3-61 - Common carriers shall furnish commissioner with duplicate bills of lading; penalty.
- 67-3-63 - Records.
- 67-3-65 - Powers of local governments.
- 67-3-67 - Transportation of light wines and beer not to be interfered with.
- 67-3-69 - Penalty.
- 67-3-70 - Purchase of light wine or beer by person under age of 21; penalties; expungement of conviction.
- 67-3-71 - Repealed.
- 67-3-73 - Immunity from liability of persons who lawfully furnished or sold intoxicating beverages to one causing damage.
- 67-3-74 - Enforcement of certain provisions by officers of the division [Repealed effective July 1, 2011].
- 67-3-75 - Repealed.