Chapter 19 - Forests and Forest Protection.
- 49-19-1 - State forestry commission; membership; compensation; organization.
- 49-19-3 - Selection and qualifications of state forester; other duties and powers of the commission [Subsection (j) repealed effective June 30, 2011].
- 49-19-5 - Acquisition and disposal of property.
- 49-19-7 - Control pine beetle epidemics and other timber insects and pests.
- 49-19-9 - Fire protection services for Choctaw Indian lands.
- 49-19-11 - Land adjacent to protective areas, etc.
- 49-19-13 - Part of severance tax may be donated by county.
- 49-19-15 - Appropriations.
- 49-19-17 - Study of forestry in schools and colleges.
- 49-19-19 - Free commercial tree seedlings for farm owners and schools.
- 49-19-21 - How moneys contributed by government spent.
- 49-19-23 - Federal funds; apportionment.
- 49-19-25 - Fires declared nuisances; abandoned open cisterns and wells declared nuisances; abatement.
- 49-19-27 - Tree Seedling Revolving Fund; reforestation.
- 49-19-29 - Repealed.
- 49-19-31 - Joint Study Committee on Forestry.
- 49-19-33 - Southern Regional Fire Training Center renamed the Richard (Dick) Allen Building.
- 49-19-51 - Title; cooperation of state agencies.
- 49-19-53 - Forest harvesting law; legislative policy.
- 49-19-55 - Trees to be left standing; cutting for naval stores.
- 49-19-57 - Pine trees.
- 49-19-59 - Hardwood trees.
- 49-19-61 - Mixed pine and hardwood trees.
- 49-19-63 - Seed trees.
- 49-19-65 - Publicity; posting notices.
- 49-19-67 - Sections inapplicable in certain cases.
- 49-19-69 - Prior contracts.
- 49-19-71 - Enforcement by Forestry Commission; injunction.
- 49-19-73 - Cooperation of law enforcement officers.
- 49-19-75 - Penalty for violation.
- 49-19-77 - Owners encouraged to leave seed trees.
- 49-19-111 - Promotion of forestry education, timber management and forest fire control.
- 49-19-113 - Forestry districts and areas to be created.
- 49-19-115 - Forest acreage tax. [Repealed effective June 30, 2012].
- 49-19-117 - Use of funds by State Forestry Commission.
- 49-19-141 - South Central Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact authorized.
- 49-19-143 - When compact effective.
- 49-19-145 - State forester as compact administrator.
- 49-19-147 - Powers and duties of compact administrator.
- 49-19-149 - Giving and accepting assistance from member states.
- 49-19-171 - Southeastern Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact authorized.
- 49-19-173 - When compact effective.
- 49-19-175 - State forester as compact administrator; advisory committee.
- 49-19-177 - Powers and duties of compact administrator.
- 49-19-179 - Giving and accepting assistance from member states.
- 49-19-201 - Short title.
- 49-19-203 - Public policy stated.
- 49-19-205 - Definitions.
- 49-19-207 - Administration of law.
- 49-19-209 - Employment of personnel; purchase of supplies and equipment.
- 49-19-211 - Rules and regulations.
- 49-19-213 - Utilization of funds to assist in implementing approved practices.
- 49-19-215 - Eligible owners to be encouraged to use own resources or to employ private vendors.
- 49-19-217 - When commission may act as vendor; charge for services.
- 49-19-219 - Powers and duties of commission.
- 49-19-221 - Limitation on amount of cost-share assistance; allocation of funds for reforestation of sixteenth section school trust lands.
- 49-19-223 - Application for cost-share assistance; payment.
- 49-19-225 - Implementation of approved practice on publicly owned land.
- 49-19-227 - Forest resource development fund.
- 49-19-301 - Short title.
- 49-19-303 - Legislative findings; purpose.
- 49-19-305 - Definitions.
- 49-19-307 - Regulation of prescribed burns; liability.
- 49-19-351 - Restrictions on outdoor burning during drought or wildfire conditions; penalties.
- 49-19-401 - Short title.
- 49-19-403 - Mississippi Institute for Forest Inventory created within State Forestry Commission; appointment of institute director; advisory board created; membership; chairman; duties; reimbursement
- 49-19-405 - Duties and responsibilities of Institute.
- 49-19-407 - Outreach and education program.
- 49-19-408 - Limited immunity from criminal trespass for persons conducting forest inventory on private lands for the Mississippi Institute for Forest Inventory.
- 49-19-409 - Repealed.