Chapter 1 - County and Municipal Prisons and Prisoners.
- 47-1-1 - Enforcement of sentences.
- 47-1-3 - County convicts; duty of board of supervisors.
- 47-1-5 - County convicts; board of supervisors may lease or buy suitable lands.
- 47-1-7 - Boards of supervisors of contiguous counties may own farm jointly; working prisoners in another county.
- 47-1-9 - Convicts may be worked on public roads or other county public works.
- 47-1-11 - Convicts physically unable shall not be required to work.
- 47-1-13 - By contract county may work under guard certain prisoners before indictment and conviction.
- 47-1-15 - Deductions from sentence for efficient work.
- 47-1-17 - When convict not credited with wages.
- 47-1-19 - Leasing or hiring convicts unlawful; lawful public service work.
- 47-1-21 - Sheriff to keep a jail docket; what to contain.
- 47-1-23 - The sexes to be kept separate.
- 47-1-25 - Officers to have access to convicts.
- 47-1-27 - Maltreatment forbidden.
- 47-1-29 - Complaint of convicts investigated.
- 47-1-31 - Grand jury to examine records and treatment of prisoners.
- 47-1-33 - Each convict to have evidence of term of sentence and amount of fine.
- 47-1-35 - County farms operating at loss, disposition of.
- 47-1-37 - Board of supervisors may hire additional labor to work on county farm.
- 47-1-39 - Municipal prison and prisoners; municipality to pay expenses of jail officer education courses.
- 47-1-41 - Working of municipal prisoners.
- 47-1-43 - Keeping of county offenders in municipal jails pending trial.
- 47-1-45 - Board of supervisors may agree with municipalities of the county on terms of working municipal convicts.
- 47-1-47 - Credit allowed for labor of convicts; treatment.
- 47-1-49 - Control over jails owned jointly by municipalities and counties.
- 47-1-51 - Jointly owned jails; jail supplies.
- 47-1-53 - [Reserved].
- 47-1-55 - Jointly owned jails; guards.
- 47-1-57 - Furnishing of medical aid to prisoners; nurse screening for county prisoner for nonemergency medical complaints.
- 47-1-59 - Hospitalization of prisoners; expenses.
- 47-1-61 - Penalty for failure to discharge convict.
- 47-1-63 - Residency of prisoner as affected by incarceration in facility of Department of Corrections.