Chapter 14 - Radiation Protection Program.
- 45-14-1 - Short title.
- 45-14-3 - Legislative declaration of policy.
- 45-14-5 - Definitions.
- 45-14-7 - State board of health to administer statewide radiation protection program; creation and duties of state radiation advisory council.
- 45-14-9 - Radiation advisory council; membership; meetings; quorum; compensation of members.
- 45-14-11 - General powers of state board of health.
- 45-14-13 - Licensing and registration of persons to deal with sources of radiation, installations, or equipment utilizing such sources.
- 45-14-15 - Inspections by state board of health; training and education programs; agreements with federal and state governments.
- 45-14-17 - Attorney General shall counsel persons against whom tort claims arise for their assistance during an emergency.
- 45-14-19 - Records to be kept by persons possessing or using sources of radiation; furnishing employees their personnel exposure records.
- 45-14-21 - Refusal to grant license or registration; suspension, revocation or amendment of license or registration; emergency orders.
- 45-14-23 - Emergency impounding of sources of radiation.
- 45-14-25 - Transportation of radioactive materials.
- 45-14-27 - Liability for state coordination of decontamination of radiation accidents or perpetual maintenance and custody of radioactive materials.
- 45-14-29 - Bond, insurance or other security of persons dealing in radioactive materials.
- 45-14-31 - Schedule of fees.
- 45-14-33 - Unlawful acts.
- 45-14-35 - Local ordinances, resolutions and regulations relating to sources of radiation are not superseded.
- 45-14-37 - Penalties.
- 45-14-39 - Report to air and water pollution control commission as to waters containing radioactive materials.
- 45-14-41 - No state jurisdiction over federally licensed and regulated nuclear powered steam electric generating plants.
- 45-14-51 - Short title.
- 45-14-53 - Legislative purpose.
- 45-14-55 - Definitions.
- 45-14-57 - Permits for transportation.
- 45-14-59 - Application for permit; liability insurance; save harmless provision.
- 45-14-61 - Permit fee.
- 45-14-63 - Notice of shipment.
- 45-14-65 - Training program for public safety officials.
- 45-14-67 - Powers and duties of state board of health.
- 45-14-69 - Penalties.