Chapter 35 - Urban Renewal and Redevelopment.
- 43-35-1 - Short title.
- 43-35-3 - Definitions.
- 43-35-5 - Findings and declarations of necessity.
- 43-35-7 - Encouragement of private enterprise.
- 43-35-9 - Workable program.
- 43-35-11 - Finding of necessity by local governing body.
- 43-35-13 - Preparation and approval of urban renewal projects and urban renewal plans.
- 43-35-15 - Powers.
- 43-35-17 - Eminent domain.
- 43-35-19 - Disposal of property in urban renewal area.
- 43-35-21 - Issuance of bonds.
- 43-35-23 - Bonds as legal investments.
- 43-35-25 - Property exempt from taxes and from levy and sale by virtue of an execution.
- 43-35-27 - Cooperation by public bodies.
- 43-35-29 - Title of purchaser.
- 43-35-31 - Exercise of powers in carrying out urban renewal project.
- 43-35-33 - Urban renewal agency.
- 43-35-35 - Interested public officials, commissioners or employees.
- 43-35-37 - Urban Renewal Law as controlling.
- 43-35-101 - Definitions.
- 43-35-103 - Slum clearance authorized.
- 43-35-105 - Ordinances; administrative officer; condemnation proceedings.
- 43-35-107 - Unsafe buildings.
- 43-35-109 - Service of complaints.
- 43-35-111 - Restraining order; hearing.
- 43-35-113 - Powers of administrative officer.
- 43-35-115 - Estimate of costs.
- 43-35-117 - Construction of law.
- 43-35-201 - Municipal parking facilities; delegation of power, duties, and responsibilities.
- 43-35-202 - Special parking facility taxing districts.
- 43-35-203 - Revenue bonds; form; maturity; execution; interest.
- 43-35-205 - Revenue bonds; sale.
- 43-35-207 - Revenue bonds; negotiability; tax exemption.
- 43-35-209 - Disposition of proceeds; additional bonds to provide for deficit; disposition of surplus.
- 43-35-211 - Bonds payable out of net revenues; payments in lieu of taxes.
- 43-35-213 - Covenants affecting security of bonds; bondholders' lien.
- 43-35-215 - Trust agreements.
- 43-35-217 - Validation of bonds.
- 43-35-219 - Attorney's fees.
- 43-35-221 - through 43-35-229. Repealed.
- 43-35-231 - Authority conferred by article cumulative.
- 43-35-233 - Authority for issuance of bonds.
- 43-35-235 - Appointment of additional members to board of urban renewal agency.
- 43-35-237 - Definitions.
- 43-35-301 - Declaration of legislative intent.
- 43-35-303 - Refurbishing of physical facilities authorized.
- 43-35-305 - Designation of location of facility; hearing.
- 43-35-307 - Determination of cost.
- 43-35-309 - Charges for use of facilities.
- 43-35-311 - Levy of taxes.
- 43-35-313 - Issuance of bonds.
- 43-35-315 - Article is full and complete authority for expenditures and bonds.
- 43-35-501 - Short title.
- 43-35-503 - Authority of counties, municipalities and housing authorities with respect to community development grants.
- 43-35-504 - Block grants for improvements to existing public water systems; viability requirement and determination; viability exceptions.
- 43-35-505 - Provisions to be supplemental.