Chapter 21 - Youth Court.
- 43-21-1 - through 43-21-43. Repealed.
- 43-21-45 - Funds for payment of salaries and expenses of youth counsellors and clerk-reporters.
- 43-21-47 - through 43-21-55. Repealed.
- 43-21-101 - Short title.
- 43-21-103 - Construction and purpose.
- 43-21-105 - Definitions.
- 43-21-107 - Establishment clause.
- 43-21-109 - Youth court facilities.
- 43-21-111 - Referee.
- 43-21-113 - Special judge.
- 43-21-115 - Intake unit.
- 43-21-117 - Youth court prosecutor.
- 43-21-119 - Youth court personnel.
- 43-21-121 - Guardian ad litem.
- 43-21-123 - Expenditures by the youth court.
- 43-21-125 - Council of youth court judges.
- 43-21-127 - Cooperation.
- 43-21-151 - Jurisdiction.
- 43-21-153 - Powers of youth court; contempt.
- 43-21-155 - Venue.
- 43-21-157 - Transfer of jurisdiction to other courts.
- 43-21-159 - Transfer of cases from other courts.
- 43-21-201 - Representation by counsel; youth court-appointed attorneys required to receive juvenile justice training; exemption; duties of youth court counsel.
- 43-21-203 - Conduct of proceedings.
- 43-21-205 - Court costs and fees.
- 43-21-251 - Court records.
- 43-21-253 - Repealed.
- 43-21-255 - Law enforcement records.
- 43-21-257 - Agency records.
- 43-21-259 - Confidentiality of other records involving children.
- 43-21-261 - Disclosure of records.
- 43-21-263 - Sealing of records.
- 43-21-265 - Destruction of records.
- 43-21-267 - Penalty for violation.
- 43-21-301 - Custody orders.
- 43-21-303 - Taking into custody without a custody order.
- 43-21-305 - Noncustodial interrogation.
- 43-21-307 - Temporary custody.
- 43-21-309 - Detention and shelter hearings.
- 43-21-311 - Rights in custody.
- 43-21-313 - Release from custody upon change of circumstances.
- 43-21-315 - Designation of facilities.
- 43-21-317 - Repealed.
- 43-21-319 - Correctional facility for juveniles in need of supervision authorized to be built in Tallahatchie County.
- 43-21-321 - Health screening required upon admission to juvenile detention center; development of written procedures for admission; adherence to certain minimum juvenile detention standards; provision
- 43-21-323 - Juvenile Detention Facilities Monitoring Unit established; duty to conduct inspections of all juvenile detention facilities; additional duties.
- 43-21-325 - Department of Public Safety authorized to carry out provisions of federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002; penalties for certain individuals who interfere with depa
- 43-21-351 - Reception of information.
- 43-21-353 - Duty to inform state agencies and officials; duty to inform individual about whom report has been made of specific allegations.
- 43-21-354 - Statewide incoming wide area telephone service to be maintained on twenty-four-hour seven days a week basis.
- 43-21-355 - Immunity for reporting information.
- 43-21-357 - Intake procedure.
- 43-21-401 - Informal adjustment.
- 43-21-403 - Notice to parties.
- 43-21-405 - Informal adjustment process.
- 43-21-407 - Termination of informal adjustment.
- 43-21-451 - Commencement of formal proceedings.
- 43-21-453 - Style of petition.
- 43-21-455 - Content of petition.
- 43-21-457 - Amendment to the petition.
- 43-21-459 - Responsive pleadings.
- 43-21-501 - Persons on whom served.
- 43-21-503 - Form of summons.
- 43-21-505 - Method of service.
- 43-21-507 - Time of service.
- 43-21-509 - Warrant for failure to obey summons.
- 43-21-551 - Scheduling of adjudicatory hearings.
- 43-21-553 - Uncontested adjudications.
- 43-21-555 - Plea bargaining prohibited.
- 43-21-557 - Order of proceedings.
- 43-21-559 - Evidence admissible.
- 43-21-561 - Adjudication of status, standard of proof, and findings.
- 43-21-601 - Scheduling of disposition hearing.
- 43-21-603 - Disposition hearing procedure.
- 43-21-605 - Disposition alternatives in delinquency cases.
- 43-21-607 - Dispositional alternatives in children in need of supervision cases.
- 43-21-609 - Dispositional alternatives in neglect and abuse cases.
- 43-21-611 - Dispositional alternatives for children in need of special care.
- 43-21-613 - Modification of disposition orders, probation or parole.
- 43-21-615 - Costs of conveying and treatment.
- 43-21-617 - Protective orders.
- 43-21-619 - Power to order parents to pay child's expenses and restitution or to participate in counseling or family treatment program; orders to constitute civil judgment.
- 43-21-621 - Power to order public school to enroll child; placement in alternative school program; school-related conditions of probation; notification of principal.
- 43-21-623 - Testing of juvenile delinquents under the jurisdiction of the youth court for HIV and AIDS.
- 43-21-625 - Wilderness training program for certain juvenile offenders.
- 43-21-627 - Alternative work program; qualified offenders; volunteers; supervision; removal from program.
- 43-21-651 - Appeals to Supreme Court.
- 43-21-701 - Mississippi Commission on a Uniform Youth Court Systems and Procedures established.
- 43-21-703 - Duties of Commission.
- 43-21-751 - Short title.
- 43-21-753 - Establishment; teen court program.
- 43-21-755 - Instructional time.
- 43-21-801 - Youth Court Support Fund established; purpose; eligibility for funding; appropriation of funds; annual continuing juvenile justice education requirement.
- 43-21-803 - Tony Gobar Individualized Assessment and Comprehensive Community Intervention Initiative (IACCII) Program established; purposes; eligibility for grants; programs and services; application