Chapter 18 - Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children.
- 43-18-1 - Execution of compact.
- 43-18-3 - "Appropriate public authorities" defined; powers of county departments of public welfare.
- 43-18-5 - "Appropriate authority in the receiving state" defined.
- 43-18-7 - "Executive head" defined; appointment of compact administrator.
- 43-18-9 - Financial responsibility for placed children.
- 43-18-11 - Agreements for performance of services.
- 43-18-13 - Compliance with requirements for visitation, inspection or supervision of children, homes and the like in another party state.
- 43-18-15 - Statutory provisions restricting out-of-state placement of children not applicable to placements under compact.
- 43-18-17 - Placement by courts of delinquent children.