43-15-105 - Division of Family and Children's Services to be licensing authority; duties.
§ 43-15-105. Division of Family and Children's Services to be licensing authority; duties.
(1) The Division of Family and Children's Services shall be the licensing authority for the department, and is vested with all the powers, duties and responsibilities described in this article. The division shall make and establish rules and regulations regarding:
(a) Approving, extending, denying, suspending and revoking licenses for foster homes, residential child-caring agencies and child-placing agencies;
(b) Conditional licenses, variances from department rules and exclusions;
(c) Basic health and safety standards for licensees; and
(d) Minimum administration and financial requirements for licensees.
(2) The division shall:
(a) Define information that shall be submitted to the division with an application for a license;
(b) Establish guidelines for the administration and maintenance of client and service records, including staff qualifications, staff to client ratios;
(c) Issue licenses in accordance with this article;
(d) Conduct surveys and inspections of licensees and facilities;
(e) Establish and collect licensure fees;
(f) Investigate complaints regarding any licensee or facility;
(g) Have access to all records, correspondence and financial data required to be maintained by a licensee or facility;
(h) Have authority to interview any client, family member of a client, employee or officer of a licensee or facility; and
(i) Have authority to revoke, suspend or extend any license issued by the division.
Sources: Laws, 2000, ch. 379, § 3, eff from and after July 1, 2000.