Chapter 13 - Historic Preservation Districts and Landmarks.
- 39-13-1 - Short title.
- 39-13-2 - Definitions.
- 39-13-3 - Authority to create local historic preservation commissions; authority and procedure for establishment of districts and designation of landmarks.
- 39-13-5 - Historic preservation commissions; powers and duties; composition; terms of office; officers; minutes of meetings.
- 39-13-7 - Notification to Department of Archives and History of proposed designation of historic district or local historic preservation commission; comments by department concerning proposed district
- 39-13-9 - Appropriations; application by locality to participate in Certified Local Government Program of the National Park Service; eminent domain.
- 39-13-11 - Designation of historic districts, landmarks, and landmark sites; procedures; vote of historic preservation commission; public hearing; vote of local governing authority to adopt or reject
- 39-13-13 - Issuance of certificates of appropriateness for certain construction, alteration, demolition or relocation of structures within a historic district or landmark property.
- 39-13-15 - Demolition by neglect; demolition of historic landmark or landmark site without review and approval by historic preservation commission.
- 39-13-17 - Penalties for violations; separate offense for each day violation exists.
- 39-13-19 - Appeal.
- 39-13-21 - In general.
- 39-13-23 - Effect on existing historic preservation commissions and historic district or landmark designations.