Chapter 57 - Taxation.
- 37-57-1 - Tax levy by counties for adequate education program.
- 37-57-3 - through 37-57-7. Repealed.
- 37-57-21 - through 37-57-35. Repealed.
- 37-57-51 - through 37-57-53. Repealed.
- 37-57-61 - Repealed.
- 37-57-71 - Repealed.
- 37-57-81 - Repealed.
- 37-57-91 - Repealed.
- 37-57-101 - through 37-57-103. Repealed.
- 37-57-104 - Ad valorem tax effort; calculation of millage rate.
- 37-57-105 - Authorization and procedure for levy.
- 37-57-107 - Limitation on aggregate receipts from taxes for school purposes; disposition of excess receipts.
- 37-57-108 - Issuance of promissory notes by school districts in event of revenue shortfall.
- 37-57-111 - Definitions.
- 37-57-113 - Imposition of excise or transfer tax upon new family units.
- 37-57-115 - Levy of ad valorem tax upon mobile homes and house trailers.
- 37-57-117 - Collection and utilization of funds.
- 37-57-119 - Enforcement.
- 37-57-121 - Repealed.
- 37-57-123 - Repealed.
- 37-57-125 - , 37-57-127. Repealed.
- 37-57-129 - Repealed.
- 37-57-131 - Real property incorporated in school district prior to June 1 of fiscal year liable for taxes levied during year.
- 37-57-133 - Changes in assessment roll to incorporate property.