Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities.
- 37-47-1 - Administration of chapter.
- 37-47-3 - "School district" defined.
- 37-47-5 - "Capital improvement" defined.
- 37-47-7 - State public school building fund created.
- 37-47-9 - Annual grants by state.
- 37-47-11 - Order of priority of disposition of funds.
- 37-47-13 - Certificates of credit.
- 37-47-15 - Approval of use of grants; surveys and plans.
- 37-47-17 - Applications for expenditures.
- 37-47-19 - Withdrawal of funds from public school building fund upon approval of expenditures.
- 37-47-21 - Disposition of funds credited to school district which fails to apply for expenditure.
- 37-47-23 - Effect of insufficient funds in public school building fund.
- 37-47-25 - Loans for capital improvements.
- 37-47-27 - Requirement of contracts for capital improvements.
- 37-47-29 - Awarding of contracts for capital improvements.
- 37-47-31 - Continuation and functions of state bond commission.
- 37-47-33 - Authorization of issuance of bonds by state bond commission; limitation on amount of bonds.
- 37-47-35 - Request for issuance of bonds.
- 37-47-37 - Prerequisites to issuance of bonds.
- 37-47-39 - Full faith and credit of state pledged to pay bonds.
- 37-47-41 - Execution of bonds; form, terms and conditions; redemption.
- 37-47-43 - Printing of bonds; denominations; interest.
- 37-47-45 - Maturity of bonds.
- 37-47-47 - Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds of sale.
- 37-47-49 - Interim certificates; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds.
- 37-47-51 - Negotiability of bonds and interim certificates.
- 37-47-53 - Exemption from taxation of bonds and interim certificates.
- 37-47-55 - Duties of state treasurer.
- 37-47-57 - Payment of expenses of bond commission.
- 37-47-59 - Validation of bond issues.
- 37-47-61 - Sinking fund.
- 37-47-63 - Construction of chapter; contract between bondholders and state.
- 37-47-65 - Construction of chapter; power of school districts to raise funds.
- 37-47-67 - Appeals.