Chapter 25 - Driver Education and Training.
- 37-25-1 - Declaration of purpose.
- 37-25-3 - Establishment and maintenance of driver education and training program.
- 37-25-5 - Promulgation of rules and regulations; contents of program; budget; administration of program.
- 37-25-7 - Student eligibility for instruction; learners' permits.
- 37-25-9 - Annual reports of school districts.
- 37-25-11 - Determination of cost of program.
- 37-25-13 - Allowances to districts for program.
- 37-25-15 - Repealed.
- 37-25-17 - Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund.
- 37-25-19 - Repealed.
- 37-25-21 - Waiver of driver training penalty assessment.
- 37-25-23 - Purchase of necessary equipment, aids and devices and materials; effect of repeal of statutory authority to purchase liability insurance.
- 37-25-25 - Reports to legislature.
- 37-25-27 - Payment of funds expended under chapter.