Chapter 151 - Mississippi Accountability and Adequate Education Program Act of 1997.
- 37-151-1 - Short title.
- 37-151-3 - Repealed.
- 37-151-5 - Definitions.
- 37-151-6 - Mississippi Adequate Education Program funding.
- 37-151-7 - Determination of annual allocations for current operation of schools under the adequate education program.
- 37-151-8 - State Board of Education to adopt regulations that require school districts receiving MAEP at-risk funds to use funds to implement programs to serve at-risk students; accountability for exp
- 37-151-9 - Office of Educational Accountability established; director; duties and responsibilities.
- 37-151-10 - Center for Education Analysis; powers and duties.
- 37-151-11 - "Teacher of the Year" Award Program.
- 37-151-13 - "Mississippi Administrator of the Year" Award Program.
- 37-151-15 - Purpose; definitions.
- 37-151-17 - Council for Education Technology; membership; duties and responsibilities.
- 37-151-19 - Development and implementation of master plan for education technology.
- 37-151-21 - Strategic plan for distance learning.
- 37-151-23 - State Public School Education Technology Fund.
- 37-151-25 - Tech-Prep Fund; purposes; funded community college programs must admit qualifying high school graduates.
- 37-151-27 - through 37-151-57. Repealed.
- 37-151-59 - Effect of chapter on school district bonds.
- 37-151-61 - Appeal of grievances of school board.
- 37-151-63 - Work Force Education Act of 1994.
- 37-151-65 - Legislative intent.
- 37-151-67 - Definitions.
- 37-151-69 - through 37-151-73. Repealed.
- 37-151-75 - State Board for Community and Junior Colleges designated as primary support agency; powers.
- 37-151-77 - Pupil-teacher ratio.
- 37-151-79 - Allowance of state funds for vocational education programs.
- 37-151-81 - Allowance of state funds for special education, gifted education and university-based programs.
- 37-151-83 - Allowance of state funds for alternative school programs.
- 37-151-85 - Transportation allowance.
- 37-151-87 - Reduction of local supplement or support from ad valorem taxation.
- 37-151-89 - Salary payments from other funds.
- 37-151-91 - Salary schedules.
- 37-151-93 - Counting of legally transferred students; payment maintenance funds to transferee school.
- 37-151-95 - Payment for health insurance for certain school district employees; federal funding; withholding of district funding for failure to report data.
- 37-151-97 - Annual information report of State Department of Education.
- 37-151-99 - Preliminary estimate of education cost and amounts to be distributed.
- 37-151-101 - Distribution of funds.
- 37-151-103 - Payment of funds.
- 37-151-105 - Regulations.
- 37-151-107 - Violations; penalties.