Chapter 3 - Sixteenth Section and Lieu Lands.
- 29-3-1 - Board of education to have control; management of lands and funds as trust property; disapproval by board of supervisors of rental value of lands; definitions.
- 29-3-2 - Secretary of State to assist in school trust land management.
- 29-3-3 - Suits to establish title.
- 29-3-5 - Abstracts of title; alternative title searches by attorneys.
- 29-3-7 - Adverse possession.
- 29-3-9 - Compliance with title requirements.
- 29-3-11 - Board of education to ascertain whether county has title to lieu lands; certification to land commissioner where it does not.
- 29-3-13 - Exchange of lieu land with state.
- 29-3-15 - Sale of lieu lands situated outside county.
- 29-3-17 - Lieu land commission.
- 29-3-19 - Purchase of lieu lands.
- 29-3-21 - Mineral rights in lieu lands.
- 29-3-23 - Proceeds of sale of lieu lands.
- 29-3-25 - Report of sale of lieu lands.
- 29-3-27 - Sale of lands situated within school district.
- 29-3-29 - Sales for use as industrial parks.
- 29-3-31 - Survey and classification of lands in Choctaw Purchase.
- 29-3-33 - Lands defined for classification.
- 29-3-35 - Public agencies to assist in classification.
- 29-3-37 - Objections to classification.
- 29-3-39 - Reclassification of lands.
- 29-3-40 - Farm residential or residential lands exchanged for other lands of equal value.
- 29-3-41 - Lease of forest lands restricted.
- 29-3-43 - Improvements on forest lands.
- 29-3-45 - Management of forest lands.
- 29-3-47 - Forestry escrow fund.
- 29-3-49 - Agreements for timber improvement.
- 29-3-51 - Determination of lands subject to lease.
- 29-3-52 - Prima facie validity of leases executed and recorded in substantial conformity with law.
- 29-3-53 - Term lessee defined.
- 29-3-54 - Posting of leased land against trespassers.
- 29-3-55 - Repealed.
- 29-3-57 - Superintendent of education to docket leases and collect rentals.
- 29-3-59 - Proceeds of leases.
- 29-3-61 - Repealed.
- 29-3-63 - Right to re-lease or to extend existing lease; minimum annual rental.
- 29-3-65 - Appraisal of lands; adjustment of rental amounts.
- 29-3-67 - Repealed.
- 29-3-69 - Lease for ground rental.
- 29-3-71 - Leaseholds subject to taxes.
- 29-3-73 - Lands liable for drainage taxes.
- 29-3-75 - Insurance.
- 29-3-77 - Disposition of buildings.
- 29-3-79 - Repealed.
- 29-3-81 - Leasing of land classified as agricultural land.
- 29-3-82 - Leasing of land not classified as agricultural land.
- 29-3-83 - Repealed.
- 29-3-85 - Reservation of rights in lease.
- 29-3-87 - Reservation of lands for school building site, public park, or recreational area.
- 29-3-88 - Acquisition of land for construction of school buildings or structures.
- 29-3-89 - Repealed.
- 29-3-91 - Compensation for easement or right of way exception.
- 29-3-93 - through 29-3-97. Repealed.
- 29-3-99 - Leases for oil, gas and mineral exploration, mining, production and development.
- 29-3-101 - Rights of mineral lessee.
- 29-3-103 - Confirmation of leases.
- 29-3-105 - Decree of confirmation.
- 29-3-107 - Illegal leases.
- 29-3-109 - Crediting of funds derived from lands.
- 29-3-111 - Expenditure of moneys derived from lands.
- 29-3-113 - Investment and lending of funds.
- 29-3-115 - Use of expendable funds.
- 29-3-117 - Revenues to be paid into maintenance or building fund.
- 29-3-119 - Division of funds among school districts.
- 29-3-121 - Superintendent of school district to make lists; recount; costs of recount.
- 29-3-123 - Lists of educable children required before payment of funds.
- 29-3-125 - Repealed.
- 29-3-127 - Inter-county townships.
- 29-3-129 - Division of damages to land in two school districts.
- 29-3-131 - Expenses incurred.
- 29-3-132 - Effect of chapter on power of other entities to make zoning and land use laws, ordinances or regulations.
- 29-3-133 - Construction of roads or streets upon lands in certain counties; authorization.
- 29-3-135 - Construction of roads or streets upon lands in certain counties; payment of cost.
- 29-3-137 - Disbursement of funds to Chickasaw counties; powers and duties of State Department of Education; issuance of promissory notes by school districts in Chickasaw counties to purchase school bu
- 29-3-139 - Disbursement of funds under Section 29-3-137 as affecting sums paid under Section 212 of Mississippi Constitution.
- 29-3-141 - County board of education to ascertain whether county has title to Chickasaw lands; lease of lands.
- 29-3-151 - Declaration of purpose.
- 29-3-153 - Definitions.
- 29-3-155 - Creation of sixteenth section development authority; acquisition of easements; interim financing.
- 29-3-157 - Selection of trustees of authority; vacancies; qualifications; compensation.
- 29-3-159 - General powers of authority.
- 29-3-161 - Issuance of bonds authorized.
- 29-3-163 - Payments on bonds when net revenues are insufficient.
- 29-3-165 - Sale of bonds.
- 29-3-167 - Issuance of bonds to defray expenses of authority.
- 29-3-169 - General terms and conditions as to bonds.
- 29-3-171 - Validation of bonds.
- 29-3-173 - Cooperation with other governmental agencies.
- 29-3-174 - Immunity from tort actions except for wilful or gross negligence.
- 29-3-175 - Exemptions from state taxation.
- 29-3-177 - Bonds as legal investments and as security for deposits of public funds.
- 29-3-179 - Construction contracts.
- 29-3-181 - Deposit of authority's funds.
- 29-3-183 - Bond proceeds may be utilized to pay preliminary expenses.