Chapter 27 - Vending and Amusement Machine Taxes.
- 27-27-1 - Short title.
- 27-27-3 - Definitions.
- 27-27-5 - Tax levied.
- 27-27-7 - License and stickers.
- 27-27-9 - Penalties.
- 27-27-11 - Exemptions.
- 27-27-12 - Antique coin machines.
- 27-27-13 - License tax in addition to other taxes.
- 27-27-15 - Seizure; penalty for interference with officer; custody.
- 27-27-17 - Records.
- 27-27-19 - Administration.
- 27-27-21 - Payment of taxes and penalties into general fund of county or municipality.
- 27-27-301 - Privilege tax on weighing machines, machines selling postage stamps, merchandise, etc., levied.
- 27-27-303 - Administration and enforcement.
- 27-27-305 - Exemptions.