Chapter 59 - Archives and Records Management.
- 25-59-1 - Short title.
- 25-59-3 - Definitions.
- 25-59-5 - Department of archives and history to be archival and records management agency.
- 25-59-7 - State records committee; duties as to records control schedules.
- 25-59-9 - Powers and duties of department of archives and history.
- 25-59-11 - Transfer of responsibility and title from central records storage facility to state records center.
- 25-59-13 - Procedures for transfer of records to the department of archives and history.
- 25-59-15 - Records management duties of state agencies and officials.
- 25-59-17 - Record control schedules for courts; destruction of court records.
- 25-59-19 - Records to be public property.
- 25-59-21 - Consent of director required for disposal of public records; rules and regulations.
- 25-59-23 - Penalties for offenses involving records.
- 25-59-25 - Limitation on personal liability; closed or restricted records; compliance with requirements as to location for keeping records.
- 25-59-27 - Records to be open for public use; exceptions; disposal of closed and restricted records.
- 25-59-29 - Reproduction of records and storage of copies; destruction of originals.
- 25-59-31 - Transition from existing program of reproduction and destruction of records.