Chapter 21 - Police and Police Departments.
- 21-21-1 - Marshal or chief of police; duties; bond.
- 21-21-3 - Police and night marshals.
- 21-21-5 - Purchasing dogs for use of police department.
- 21-21-7 - Peace officers attending training schools; expenses.
- 21-21-9 - Medical and hospital care for injured policemen.
- 21-21-11 - Purchase of certain insurance for police; payment of premiums.
- 21-21-31 - Declaration of legislative findings.
- 21-21-33 - Definitions.
- 21-21-35 - Powers of municipality to provide assistance.
- 21-21-37 - Powers of law enforcement officer while in another municipality.
- 21-21-39 - Rights of law enforcement officer while in another municipality.
- 21-21-41 - Payments to law enforcement officer; reimbursement to the regularly employing municipality.