Chapter 23 - Trial of Right of Property.
- 11-23-1 - Proceedings when third person claims subject of action.
- 11-23-3 - Third party proceeding applicable to officers.
- 11-23-5 - Repealed.
- 11-23-7 - Claim to property levied on; how interposed.
- 11-23-9 - Execution stayed for value of property claimed, unless.
- 11-23-11 - Issue to be made up.
- 11-23-13 - Default in making up issue.
- 11-23-15 - Burden of proof on plaintiff; trial of issue.
- 11-23-17 - The judgment.
- 11-23-19 - Laws applicable in case of death.
- 11-23-21 - New bond may be required.
- 11-23-23 - Venue changed in certain cases.
- 11-23-25 - Proceedings in justice's court.
- 11-23-27 - Form of a claimant's affidavit.
- 11-23-29 - Form of a claimant's bond.