Section 609.17 Attempts
609.17 ATTEMPTS.
Subdivision 1.Crime defined.
Whoever, with intent to commit a crime, does an act which is a substantial step toward, and more than preparation for, the commission of the crime is guilty of an attempt to commit that crime, and may be punished as provided in subdivision 4.
Subd. 2.Act defined.
An act may be an attempt notwithstanding the circumstances under which it was performed or the means employed to commit the crime intended or the act itself were such that the commission of the crime was not possible, unless such impossibility would have been clearly evident to a person of normal understanding.
Subd. 3.Defense.
It is a defense to a charge of attempt that the crime was not committed because the accused desisted voluntarily and in good faith and abandoned the intention to commit the crime.
Subd. 4.Penalties.
Whoever attempts to commit a crime may be sentenced as follows:
(1) if the maximum sentence provided for the crime is life imprisonment, to not more than 20 years; or
(2) for any other attempt, to not more than one-half of the maximum imprisonment or fine or both provided for the crime attempted, but such maximum in any case shall not be less than imprisonment for 90 days or a fine of $100.
1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.17; 1986 c 444