Section 573.06 Next of Kin; Liability for Debts; Contribution


The next of kin of a deceased person are liable to an action by a creditor of the estate, to recover the distributive shares received by them out of such estate, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the deceased person's debt, which action may be against all or against any one or more of them. The plaintiff may recover the value of all assets received by all the defendants, if necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's demand, and the plaintiff's recovery shall be apportioned among the defendants in proportion to the value of the assets received by each without deduction on account of there being other relatives who have received assets. Any one against whom such recovery has been had may maintain an action for contribution against all or any other relatives of the decedent to whom assets have been paid, and may recover of each defendant such proportionate share of the amount paid by plaintiff as the value of assets received by each bears to the value of all the assets distributed to all the relatives.


(9661) RL s 4507; 1986 c 444