Chapter 558 Partition of Real Estate
- Section 558.01 Partition, Sale; Who May Bring Action
- Section 558.02 Summons; Service
- Section 558.03 Complaint
- Section 558.04 Judgment for Partition; Referees
- Section 558.05 Dispute between Defendants No Defense
- Section 558.06 Duty of Referees; Report; Expenses
- Section 558.07 Confirmation of Report; Final Judgment
- Section 558.08 Persons Not Affected
- Section 558.09 Liens, How Affected
- Section 558.10 Costs Apportioned
- Section 558.11 Compensation Because of Inequality
- Section 558.12 Indivisible Property May Be Set Off; Occupancy Assigned
- Section 558.13 Occupant Liable to Cotenants; Trespass
- Section 558.14 Sale May Be Ordered
- Section 558.15 Liens; New Parties; No Sale, When
- Section 558.16 Proceeds, How Applied
- Section 558.17 Sale of Real Property under Action for Partition; Notice
- Section 558.18 Persons Prohibited from Purchasing
- Section 558.19 Purchase by Part Owner
- Section 558.20 Report of Sale
- Section 558.21 Final Judgment on Confirming Report
- Section 558.215 Orders, Interlocutory Judgments; Appeals
- Section 558.22 Claims to Proceeds, How Determined
- Section 558.23 Record and Effect of Conveyances
- Section 558.24 Sale of Part; Life Estate or for Years
- Section 558.25 Estate for Life or Years, May Be Set Off or Sold
- Section 558.26 Sum in Lieu of Estate; Investing Proceeds; Unknown Parties
- Section 558.27 Future Estates
- Section 558.28 Release of Contingent Interest
- Section 558.29 Investment of Proceeds
- Section 558.30 Share of Infant, How Paid
- Section 558.31 Share of Incapable Person
- Section 558.32 Proceedings When State a Party