Chapter 53A Currency Exchanges
- Section 53A.01 Definitions
- Section 53A.02 License
- Section 53A.03 Application for License; Fees
- Section 53A.04 Approval or Denial of an Application
- Section 53A.05 Change of Name, Ownership, or Location
- Section 53A.06 Fine, Suspension, or Revocation of License
- Section 53A.07 Filing of Fees; Unreasonable Fees
- Section 53A.08 Bond
- Section 53A.081 Annual Report and Investigations
- Section 53A.09 Powers; Limitations; Prohibitions
- Section 53A.10 Violations
- Section 53A.11 Books of Account; Annual Report
- Section 53A.12 Rules
- Section 53A.13 Fee Notice; False Advertising; Penalty
- Section 53A.14 Repealed, 1992 c 504 s 8