Section 6.90 Council on Local Results and Innovation
Subdivision 1.Creation.
The Council on Local Results and Innovation consists of 11 members, as follows:
(1) the state auditor;
(2) two persons appointed by the chair of the Property and Local Sales Tax Division of the house of representatives Taxes Committee;
(3) two persons appointed by the designated lead member of the largest minority party of the Property and Local Sales Tax Division of the house of representatives Taxes Committee;
(4) four persons appointed by the Subcommittee on Committees of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee;
(5) one person appointed by the Association of Minnesota Counties; and
(6) one person appointed by the League of Minnesota Cities.
Each appointment under clauses (2) to (4) must include one person with expertise or interest in county government and one person with expertise or interest in city government. No members appointed under clauses (2) to (4) may be members of the legislature. The appointing authorities must use their best efforts to ensure that a majority of council members have experience with local performance measurement systems. The membership of the council must include geographically balanced representation as well as representation balanced between large and small jurisdictions. The appointments under clauses (2) to (6) must be made within two months of the date of enactment.
Appointees to the council under clauses (2) to (4) serve terms of four years, except that one of each of the initial appointments under clauses (2) to (4) shall serve a term of two years; each appointing agent must designate which appointee is serving the two-year term. Subsequent appointments for members appointed under clauses (2) to (4) must be made by the council, including appointments to replace any appointees who might resign from the council prior to completion of their term. Appointees under clauses (2) to (4) are not eligible to vote on appointing their successor, nor on the successors of other appointees whose terms are expiring contemporaneously. In making appointments, the council shall make all possible efforts to reflect the geographical distribution and meet the qualifications of appointees required of the initial appointees. Subsequent appointments for members appointed under clauses (5) and (6) must be made by the original appointing authority. Appointees to the council under clauses (2) to (6) may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Subd. 2.Duties.
(a) By February 15, 2011, the council shall develop a standard set of approximately ten performance measures for counties and ten performance measures for cities that will aid residents, taxpayers, and state and local elected officials in determining the efficacy of counties and cities in providing services, and measure residents' opinions of those services. In developing its measures, the council must solicit input from private citizens. Counties and cities that elect to participate in the standard measures system shall report their results to the state auditor under section 6.91, who shall compile the results and make them available to all interested parties by publishing them on the auditor's Web site and report them to the legislative tax committees. Each year after the initial designation of performance measures, the council shall evaluate the usefulness of the standard set of performance measures and may revise the set by adding or removing measures as it deems appropriate.
(b) By February 15, 2012, the council shall develop minimum standards for comprehensive performance measurement systems, which may vary by size and type of governing jurisdiction.
(c) In addition to its specific duties under paragraphs (a) and (b), the council shall generally promote the use of performance measurement for governmental entities across the state and shall serve as a resource for all governmental entities seeking to implement a system of local performance measurement. The council may highlight and promote systems that are innovative, or are ones that it deems to be best practices of local performance measurement systems across the state and nation. The council should give preference in its recommendations to systems that are results-oriented. The council may, with the cooperation of the state auditor, establish and foster a collaborative network of practitioners of local performance measurement systems. The council may support the Association of Minnesota Counties and the League of Minnesota Cities to seek and receive private funding to provide expert technical assistance to local governments for the purposes of replicating best practices.
Subd. 3.Reports.
(a) The council shall report its initial set of standard performance measures to the Property and Local Sales Tax Division of the house of representatives Taxes Committee and the Taxes Division on Property Taxes of the senate Taxes Committee by February 28, 2011.
(b) By February 1 of each subsequent year, the council shall report to the committees with jurisdiction over taxes in the house of representatives and the senate on participation in and results of the performance measurement system, along with any revisions in the standard set of performance measures for the upcoming year. These reports may be made by the state auditor in lieu of the council if agreed to by the auditor and the council.
Subd. 4.Operation of council.
(a) The state auditor shall convene the initial meeting of the council.
(b) The chair of the council shall be elected by the members. Once elected, a chair shall serve a term of two years.
(c) Members of the council serve without compensation.
(d) Council members shall share and rotate responsibilities for administrative support of the council.
(e) Chapter 13D does not apply to meetings of the council. Meetings of the council must be open to the public and the council must provide notice of a meeting on the state auditor's Web site at least seven days before the meeting. A meeting of the council occurs when a quorum is present.
(f) The council must meet at least two times prior to the initial release of the standard set of measurements. After the initial set has been developed, the council must meet a minimum of once per year.
Subd. 5.Expiration.
The council expires on January 1, 2020.
2010 c 389 art 2 s 1