Section 3.056 Designation of Successor Committee
If a law assigns a power or duty to a named legislative committee or its chair, and the committee has been renamed or no longer exists, the speaker of the house or the senate Committee on Rules and Administration shall designate the successor committee or chair for the law as provided in this section. If the committee has been renamed but retains jurisdiction of the subject of the power or duty, the speaker or senate committee shall designate the renamed committee as successor. If the committee has been renamed and jurisdiction of the subject of the power or duty has been transferred to another committee, the speaker or senate committee shall designate the committee with current jurisdiction as the successor. If the named committee no longer exists, the speaker or senate committee shall designate as successor the committee with the jurisdiction that most closely corresponds with the former jurisdiction of the named committee. The house of representatives and the senate shall maintain a list on the World Wide Web of renamed or successor committees to committees that are referenced in law.
1993 c 4 s 1; 1997 c 202 art 2 s 2