Section 32.411 Uniform Quality Standards for Milk, Cream, Fluid Milk Products


Subdivision 1.Requirements.

For the purpose of maintaining uniform quality standards in the purchase of milk, cream, and fluid milk products for manufacturing purposes or for resale to another for manufacturing purposes, the requirements set forth in subdivisions 2 to 4 shall be complied with.

Subd. 2.Record of quality tests.

Every licensed purchaser of milk, cream and fluid milk products for manufacturing purposes or for resale to another for manufacturing purposes, herein called licensed purchaser, shall demand and receive with the first milk or cream delivery received from a producer a copy of the record of quality tests of the producer's milk or cream made by a former licensed purchaser during the three months immediately preceding such delivery, unless the producer has not delivered such products to any other purchaser during that period. If the previous purchaser, after receiving a written request for such record from the producer or from the new purchaser, refuses or is unable to comply with such request, the new purchaser shall immediately report such failure or refusal to the commissioner.

Subd. 3.Establishment of new quality records.

If a milk or cream producer fails to deliver the quality records or quality tests, the licensed purchaser shall establish a new producer's quality record in lieu thereof, by taking the first four consecutive deliveries from such producer and making on such products all tests required by law and by rules thereunder relating to milk, cream, and fluid milk products for manufacturing purposes administered by the commissioner of agriculture. The establishment of such records shall be immediately reported to the commissioner by the new purchaser.

Subd. 4.Change of purchasing plants.

The changing of purchasing plants for manufacturing purposes to which a producer of milk, cream, and fluid milk products makes delivery, shall not alter the status of such producer's previous quality record for purposes of section 32.401, and rules thereunder administered by the commissioner.

Subd. 5.Penalty.

Any licensed purchaser of milk, cream, or fluid milk products who neglects to furnish to any milk or cream producer upon written request a copy of a record of quality tests and farm inspections, or any licensed purchaser or producer who fails to comply with this section, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Subd. 6.

[Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1]


1955 c 208 s 1,2; 1959 c 97 s 1,2; 1961 c 113 s 1; 1985 c 248 s 70; 1986 c 444