Section 31.76 Confections Containing Alcohol
Subdivision 1.Definition.
"Confection containing alcohol" is a confection that contains or bears not more than five percent alcohol by volume where the alcohol is in a nonliquid form by reason of being mixed with other substances in the manufacture of the confection. "Confection containing alcohol" does not include liqueur-filled candy as defined in section 340A.101, subdivision 15b.
Subd. 2.Regulations.
(a) A confection containing alcohol may not be sold to any person under the age of 21 years.
(b) Each confection containing alcohol must bear a label that contains (i) a conspicuous, readily legible statement that reads "This product may not be sold to anyone under age 21 years of age," and (ii) a conspicuous, readily legible statement to the effect that the product contains less than five percent alcohol by volume.
(c) A confection containing alcohol may be sold only by (i) an exclusive liquor store licensed under chapter 340A, or (ii) a business establishment that derives more than 50 percent of its gross sales from the sale of confections.
1992 c 486 s 3