Section 29.201 Buyers of Domestic Fowl; Dealers' Registers


Every person who engages in the business of buying chickens, turkeys, or other domestic fowl of any kind shall keep and maintain a complete record of all such transactions in a ledger or other suitable book of account permanently bound, which for the purposes of sections 29.201 to 29.205 shall be known as such dealer's register. In such register the buyer shall enter a complete record of each purchase of chickens, turkeys, or other domestic fowl, to which the buyer was a party; and shall show the name and address of the person from whom the same was bought, and, when the transaction is with a person other than a regular customer of the buyer from whom the buyer has made similar purchases within one year from the date of such transaction, the means by which the same were transported to the place of purchase, the type of conveyance, and if by truck or other motor vehicle the license number of such truck or motor vehicle, the date of such purchase, and the number, kind, species and a general description of all such chickens, turkeys, or other domestic fowl involved in such transaction.


(6240-19) 1927 c 319 s 1; 1943 c 102 s 1; 1986 c 444