Section 28.07 Marking Articles of Food


No person, firm, or corporation shall place, receive, or keep in any cold storage warehouse in this state, articles of food unless the same shall be plainly marked, stamped, or tagged, either upon the container in which they are packed, or upon the articles of food itself, with a lot number; and no person, firm, or corporation shall remove or allow to be removed such articles of food from any cold storage warehouse unless the same shall be plainly marked, stamped, or tagged, either on the container in which it is enclosed or upon the article of food itself, with the lot number, and such marks, stamps, and tags shall be prima facie evidence by which to trace the receipt, and removal, and of the date thereof. It shall be unlawful to remove, deface, add to, alter, or change any mark, or marks placed upon the container, wrapper, or upon the articles of food itself, or upon the label or tag attached thereto, which marks are required under the provisions of this chapter, or in compliance with rules adopted by the commissioner or under the provisions of the Cold Storage Act of any other state, without permission or under the direction of the commissioner.

If the articles of food are stored by the lessee of a room or rooms in a cold storage warehouse, the lessee shall be responsible for the goods placed by the lessee or the lessee's employees in said leased space, and also for the placing upon them of the required marks. Cold storage products may be removed from one container to another for the purpose of grading or repacking into more convenient commercial form, either during cold storage or at the time of withdrawal therefrom providing that the old container was properly marked; the lot number or numbers, shall be marked also upon the new container.


(6213) 1921 c 310 s 7; 1923 c 233 s 7; 1943 c 232 s 2; 1985 c 248 s 70; 1986 c 444