Section 28.01 Definitions


Subdivision 1.Terms.

Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the following terms shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be given the meanings subjoined to them.

Subd. 2.Cold storage.

"Cold storage" means the storing or keeping of articles of food in a cold storage warehouse or in any refrigerated space leased for public use other than an individual locker.

Subd. 3.Cold storage warehouse.

The term "cold storage warehouse" means and includes every place other than an individual locker, whether a single room or enclosed space, or a group of rooms that is cooled, mechanically or by any artificial means, including the cooling by use of ice, in which articles of food are placed and held for 30 days or more. Any room in a cold storage warehouse leased, controlled, and operated apart from the general storage business of such warehouse and to which the general public has not access for storage purposes, is hereby declared a separate cold storage warehouse, subject to licensing and supervision under this chapter. Refrigerator cars and ships, when used solely for the transportation, as distinguished from the storage, of foods shall not be regarded as cold storage warehouses, nor shall the ice boxes of retail food establishments, private homes, hotels, or restaurants, and chill-rooms used only for the holding of food for periods of less than 30 days be so regarded. The commissioner shall, for the proper enforcement of this chapter, have the right of inspection of such chill-rooms and as well of the food held therein.

Subd. 4.Articles of food.

"Articles of food" mean every article used for, entering into the consumption of, or used or intended for use in the preparation of, food, drink, confectionery, or condiment, whether simple, mixed, or compound for either human or animal consumption.

Subd. 5.Commissioner.

"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture.


(6207) 1921 c 310 s 1; 1923 c 233 s 1; 1943 c 232 s 1; 1961 c 113 s 1; 1961 c 128 s 10; 1969 c 319 s 1