Section 17B.20 Breaking of Seals; Penalty; Examination of Cars


Subdivision 1.Who may break seals.

No person shall knowingly break the seal on any car of grain subject to state inspection prior to delivery thereof, except the employees of the department, and the owner of the grain, or the owner's authorized agent, under rules prescribed by the commissioner.

Subd. 2.Unauthorized breaking of seals; misdemeanor.

Any person who, without legal authority, shall break or remove any seal upon any car loaded with grain, or otherwise break or enter such car, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Subd. 3.Examination of cars.

An employee of the department before opening the doors of any cars containing grain, upon their arrival at any of the several places designated by law as terminal points in this state, for the purposes of inspecting the same, shall first ascertain the condition of such cars and determine whether any leakages have occurred while the cars were in transit; also whether or not the doors were properly secured and sealed, making a record of such facts in all cases and recording the same in a proper book to be kept for the purpose. After such examination shall have been made and recorded and the inspection of such grain has been made, the above mentioned employee shall securely close and reseal such car doors as have been opened, using a special seal of the department for the purpose. A record of all original seals broken by the employee and the time when broken, a record of all state seals substituted therefor and the time when such state seals were substituted, together with a full description of the seals, with their numbers, shall be made by the employee.


1974 c 548 s 20; 1986 c 444