Section 17B.07 Official Title of Board; Meetings


The official title of the board shall be "The Minnesota Board of Grain Standards" and it shall have jurisdiction over all grain appeal cases brought before it.

The board shall meet as needed and shall establish the grades of all grain subject to state inspection which shall be known as the "Minnesota grades," and all grain received at any public warehouse shall be graded accordingly. Such grades shall not be changed without the concurrence of at least two members of the board. At the time of establishing Minnesota grades, the board also shall adopt such rules, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, as it deems necessary for the enforcement of this section and section 17B.06. In establishing the grades, in addition to the physical qualities of the grain, there shall be taken into consideration the milling and bread-producing quality of all grain products used as human food. The board shall determine the grade, and dockage, if any, of all grain in all cases where appeals from the decisions of the chief inspector have been taken and for such purpose they may request fresh samples of such grain to be furnished directly to the board.


1974 c 548 s 7; 1985 c 248 s 70; 2000 c 477 s 5