Section 17B.0451 Grain Quality; Premiums; Discounts


Subdivision 1.Corn; weight.

A purchaser of corn who provides a discount for corn that falls below the standard test weight for corn must offer an equal or greater premium for corn that has a test weight higher than the standard test weight.

Subd. 2.Soybeans; weight.

A purchaser of soybeans who provides a discount for soybeans that fall below the standard test weight for soybeans must offer an equal or greater premium for soybeans that have a test weight higher than the standard test weight.

Subd. 3.Wheat; weight.

A purchaser of wheat who provides a discount for wheat that falls below the standard test weight for wheat must offer an equal or greater premium for wheat that has a test weight higher than the standard test weight.

Subd. 4.Corn; foreign material.

A purchaser of corn who provides a discount for corn that falls below the standard for foreign material for corn must offer an equal or greater premium for corn that has less foreign material than the standard. For corn, foreign material includes broken corn and foreign material.

Subd. 5.Soybeans; foreign material.

A purchaser of soybeans who provides a discount for soybeans that fall below the standard for foreign material for soybean must offer an equal or greater premium for soybeans that have less foreign material than the standard.

Subd. 6.Wheat; foreign material.

A purchaser of wheat who provides a discount for wheat that falls below the standard for foreign material for wheat must offer an equal or greater premium for wheat that has less foreign material than the standard.

Subd. 7.Corn; damage.

A purchaser of corn who provides a discount for corn that falls below the standard for total damaged kernels for corn must offer an equal or greater premium for corn that has less total damaged kernels than the standard.

Subd. 8.Soybeans; damage.

A purchaser of soybeans who provides a discount for soybeans that fall below the standard for total damaged kernels for soybeans must offer an equal or greater premium for soybeans that have less total damaged kernels than the standard.

Subd. 9.Wheat; damage.

A purchaser of wheat who provides a discount for wheat that falls below the standard for total damaged kernels for wheat must offer an equal or greater premium for wheat that has less total damaged kernels than the standard.

Subd. 10.Effective date.

Subdivision 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 is effective 30 days after at least three states representing 30 percent or more of the national production of that grain according to the current United States Department of Agriculture crop production summary requires that a premium be paid for the grain based on the factors provided in the section. Subdivision 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 applies to purchasers of grain in this state 30 days after the commissioner publishes notice in the State Register that the subdivision is effective. The commissioner must notify affected licensed purchasers of grain that subdivision 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 is effective by ten days after notice is published in the State Register.


1988 c 688 art 6 s 3-11,14