Section 136A.15 Definitions


Subdivision 1.Scope.

For purposes of sections 136A.15 to 136A.1702, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them.

Subd. 2.Academic year or its equivalent.

"Academic year or its equivalent" shall be as defined in the federal regulations which govern the administration of the National Vocational Student Loan Insurance Act of 1965 and title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Subd. 3.Office.

"Office" means the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.

Subd. 4.Director.

"Director" means the director of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.

Subd. 5.Province.

"Province" means the Canadian province of Manitoba.

Subd. 6.Eligible institution.

"Eligible institution" means an institution that meets the eligibility requirements under section 136A.155.

Subd. 7.Eligible lender.

"Eligible lender" means an eligible institution, an agency or instrumentality of a state, or a financial or credit institution (including an insurance company) which is subject to examination and supervision by an agency of the state of Minnesota or of the United States.

Subd. 8.Eligible student.

"Eligible student" means a student who is officially registered or accepted for enrollment at an eligible institution in Minnesota or a Minnesota resident who is officially registered as a student or accepted for enrollment at an eligible institution in another state or province. Eligible student, except for purposes of section 136A.1701, includes parents of an eligible student as the term "parent" is defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and applicable regulations. Except for the purposes of section 136A.1701, eligible student also includes students eligible for auxiliary loans as the term "auxiliary" is defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and applicable regulations. An eligible student, for section 136A.1701, means a student who gives informed consent authorizing the disclosure of data specified in section 136A.162, paragraph (b), to a consumer credit reporting agency.

Subd. 9.Minnesota resident.

"Minnesota resident" means a student who meets one of the following conditions:

(1) a student who has resided in Minnesota for purposes other than postsecondary education for at least 12 months without being enrolled at a postsecondary educational institution for more than five credits in any term;

(2) a dependent student whose parent or legal guardian resides in Minnesota at the time the student applies;

(3) a student who graduated from a Minnesota high school, if the student was a resident of Minnesota during the student's period of attendance at the Minnesota high school and the student is physically attending a Minnesota postsecondary educational institution; or

(4) a student who, after residing in the state for a minimum of one year, earned a high school equivalency certificate in Minnesota.


1967 c 615 s 1; 1967 c 894 s 2; 1973 c 605 s 3,4; 1975 c 271 s 6; 1981 c 300 s 2; 1983 c 258 s 46; 1Sp1985 c 11 s 47; 1989 c 293 s 33-35; 1990 c 591 art 6 s 5; 1994 c 532 art 2 s 10; 1995 c 212 art 3 s 32,33,59; 2005 c 107 art 2 s 60; 2006 c 282 art 8 s 4; 2007 c 144 art 2 s 25,26; 2010 c 364 s 12