386-1998-III-10 - PART 10 CLOSING ESTATES (700.3951...700.3959)
- Section 700.3951 - Notice of continued administration.
- Section 700.3952 - Formal proceedings terminating administration testate or intestate; order of general protection.
- Section 700.3953 - Formal proceedings terminating testate administration; order construing will without adjudicating testacy.
- Section 700.3954 - Closing estate by sworn statement of personal representative.
- Section 700.3955 - Liability of distributees to claimants.
- Section 700.3956 - Limitations on proceedings against personal representative.
- Section 700.3957 - Limitations on actions and proceedings against distributees.
- Section 700.3958 - Certificate of completion.
- Section 700.3959 - Subsequent administration.