Section 600.1947 - Notice of pendency of action; publication.

Act 236 of 1961

600.1947 Notice of pendency of action; publication.

Sec. 1947.

The defendant may be notified of the pendency of the action and his obligation thereto by:

(1) publishing a copy of the order in a newspaper at least once each week for 4 consecutive weeks or for such further time as the court may require, and

(2) mailing on or before the date of the second publication a copy of the order to the defendant at his address which the plaintiff knows or should by diligent inquiry be expected to know. When the address of any defendant is not known and cannot be ascertained upon diligent inquiry, a copy of the order shall be mailed to the defendant at his last known address. If the plaintiff does not know, and cannot ascertain, upon diligent inquiry, the present or last known address of the defendant, mailing a copy of the order is not required.

Publication is not necessary if a copy of the order has been served upon the defendant in person or by registered mail at least 20 days before the time prescribed for the answer of such defendant, and in case of service by registered mail an official return receipt signed by the defendant is attached to the affidavit of service.

History: 1961, Act 236, Eff. Jan. 1, 1963