Section 600.1920 - Process; service on corporation; insurers.

Act 236 of 1961

600.1920 Process; service on corporation; insurers.

Sec. 1920.

Service of process upon a corporation, whether domestic or foreign, may be made by

(1) leaving a summons and a copy of the complaint with any officer or the resident agent, or

(2) leaving a summons and a copy of the complaint with any director, trustee, or person in charge of any office or business establishment and sending a summons and a copy of the complaint by registered mail, addressed to the principal office of the corporation, or

(3) leaving a summons and a copy of the complaint with any of the persons who may have been the last presiding officer, president, cashier, secretary, or treasurer, in the case of any corporation which may have ceased to do business by failing to keep up its organization by the appointment of officers or otherwise, or whose term of existence may have expired by limitation, or

(4) mailing a summons and a copy of the complaint by registered mail to the corporation or an appropriate corporation officer and to the Michigan corporation and securities commission if:

(a) the corporation has failed to appoint and maintain a resident agent or to file a certificate of such appointment as by law required; or

(b) the corporation has failed to keep up its organization by the appointment of officers or otherwise, or the term of whose existence has expired by limitation.

In all cases in which an insurer is a defendant, service shall not be made by leaving a summons and a copy of the complaint with a resident agent; and in cases in which a defendant is a foreign insurer, 2 summonses and a copy of the complaint shall be delivered to or mailed to the office of the commissioner of insurance by registered mail.

History: 1961, Act 236, Eff. Jan. 1, 1963