Section 600.1321 - Second jury list; sealing; jurisdiction of district court district.

Act 236 of 1961

600.1321 Second jury list; sealing; jurisdiction of district court district.

Sec. 1321.

(1) The names of those persons on the first jury list whom the board accepts as persons qualified for and not exempt from jury service shall be compiled into a list to be known as the second jury list. The list shall remain sealed until otherwise ordered by the chief circuit judge.

(2) The board shall make an additional list consisting of the names on the second jury list segregated by the geographical area of the jurisdiction of each district court district. If there are not sufficient names on the segregated list for any district court district, the board shall apply again the key number to that district only and obtain as many additional jurors as needed for that district.

History: Add. 1968, Act 326, Eff. Nov. 15, 1968 ;-- Am. 1969, Act 326, Eff. Sept. 1, 1969 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 12, Eff. June 1, 2004