Section 559.148 - Relocation of boundaries between adjoining condominium units.

Act 59 of 1978

559.148 Relocation of boundaries between adjoining condominium units.

Sec. 48.

(1) If the condominium documents expressly permit the relocation of boundaries between adjoining condominium units, then the boundaries between the condominium units may be relocated in accordance with this section and any restrictions not otherwise unlawful which the condominium documents may specify. The boundaries between adjoining condominium units shall not be relocated unless the condominium documents expressly permit it. A relocation of boundaries shall not occur without approval of an affected mortgagee.

(2) If the co-owners of adjoining condominium units whose mutual boundaries may be relocated desire to relocate the boundaries, then the principal officer of the association of co-owners or other persons as the condominium documents may specify, shall, upon written application of the co-owners, forthwith prepare and execute an amendment to the master deed duly relocating the boundaries pursuant to the condominium documents and this act.

(3) An amendment to the master deed shall identify the condominium units involved and shall state that the boundaries between those condominium units are being relocated by agreement of the co-owners thereof, which amendment shall contain conveyancing between those co-owners. If the co-owners of the condominium units involved have specified in their written application a reasonable reallocation as between the condominium units involved of the aggregate undivided interest in the common elements appertaining to those condominium units, the amendment to the master deed shall reflect that reallocation.

(4) If the co-owners of the condominium units involved have specified in their written application a reasonable reallocation as between the condominium units involved of the aggregate number of votes in the association of co-owners allocated to those condominium units, an amendment to the bylaws shall reflect that reallocation and a proportionate reallocation of liability for expenses of administration and rights to receipts of administration as between those condominium units.

History: 1978, Act 59, Eff. July 1, 1978