Section 500.8111 - Confidentiality; exception; “third parties” defined.

Act 218 of 1956

500.8111 Confidentiality; exception; “third parties” defined.

Sec. 8111.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), in all proceedings and judicial review of these proceedings under sections 8109 and 8110, all records of the insurer, other documents, office of financial and insurance services files, and court records and papers, so far as they pertain to or are a part of the record of the proceedings, are confidential and shall be held by the clerk of the court in a confidential file except as is necessary to obtain compliance therewith, unless the court, after hearing arguments from the parties in chambers, orders otherwise or the insurer requests that the matter be made public.

(2) Without compromising the confidentiality of the records of the commissioner, office of financial and insurance services, or supervisor, the commissioner or his or her supervisor may advise third parties of the existence of a supervision order and of the supervisor's authority if considered by either of them necessary to further the insurer's compliance with the supervision order. The commissioner may advise third parties of the existence of a supervision order and of facts pertaining to the supervision order if considered necessary by the commissioner with regard to other regulatory matters affecting the insurer or a person or entity related to the insurer. Third parties advised under this subsection are required to keep the existence of a supervision confidential. As used in this subsection, "third parties" means the following persons:

(a) Debtors and creditors of the insurer and its affiliates.

(b) Persons who hold or control assets of the insurer and its affiliates.

(c) Reinsurers of the insurer and its affiliates.

(d) Insurance regulatory officials.

(e) Law enforcement agencies.

(f) The workers' compensation agency.

(g) Representatives of a guaranty association or foreign guaranty association that may become obligated as a result of the insolvency of the insurer. Confidentiality obligations of a guaranty association or foreign guaranty association to the receiver end upon the entry of an order of liquidation with a finding of insolvency against the insurer.

History: Add. 1989, Act 302, Imd. Eff. Jan. 3, 1990 ;-- Am. 1992, Act 182, Imd. Eff. Oct. 1, 1992 ;-- Am. 2006, Act 358, Imd. Eff. Sept. 18, 2006
Popular Name: Act 218