218-1956-65 - CHAPTER 65 LIMITED LIABILITY POOLS (500.6500...500.6550)
- Section 500.6500 - Applicability of chapter.
- Section 500.6502 - Formation of limited liability pool; purpose.
- Section 500.6506 - Powers of limited liability pool; limitation.
- Section 500.6510 - Commencement of business; pool not subject to MCL 500.410.
- Section 500.6512 - Limited liability pool; formation; purpose.
- Section 500.6514 - Limited liability pool; rates.
- Section 500.6516 - Limited liability pool; underwriting rules.
- Section 500.6517 - Limited liability pool; reinsurance.
- Section 500.6518 - Management of property, business, and affairs of pool by directors; selection and term of directors; first annual meeting; interim authority.
- Section 500.6522 - Insured person as member of pool; voting rights; quorum; inspection of books.
- Section 500.6532 - Reserves for unearned premiums.
- Section 500.6534 - Contingency reserve; deposit with state treasurer; use of deposit.
- Section 500.6540 - Assessment of member.
- Section 500.6550 - Loans.