Section 487.3316 - Declaration and payment of dividends.

Act 354 of 1996

487.3316 Declaration and payment of dividends.

Sec. 316.

(1) The board of directors of a savings bank may declare and pay dividends on the common stock of the savings bank subject to the following restrictions:

(a) A cash dividend or dividend in kind shall not be declared or paid unless the savings bank will have a surplus amounting to not less than 20% of its capital after the payment of the dividend.

(b) A cash dividend or dividend in kind shall not be declared by any savings bank except out of net income then on hand after deducting all bad debts. Unless the debts are well secured and in process of collection or the debts constitute claims against solvent estates in probate, debts due the savings bank on which interest is past due and unpaid for a period of 6 months shall be considered bad debts under this section.

(c) A cash dividend or dividend in kind shall not be declared or paid until the cumulative dividends on preferred stock, if any, have been paid in full or preferred shareholders have waived their right to receive dividends.

(d) If the surplus of a savings bank is less than the amount of its capital, before the declaration of a cash dividend or dividend in kind, it shall transfer to surplus not less than 10% of its net income of the preceding half-year in the case of quarterly or semiannual dividends, or not less than 10% of its net income of the preceding 2 consecutive half-year periods in the case of annual dividends. For the purpose of this section, an amount transferred to a fund for the retirement of preferred stock of the savings bank out of its net income for the periods is considered to be additions to its surplus, if upon the retirement of the preferred stock the amounts credited into the retirement fund may then properly be carried to surplus. The savings bank is obligated to credit to surplus the amounts transferred into the retirement fund on account of the preferred stock as the stock is retired.

(e) Notwithstanding the limitations of this section, a savings bank with the approval of the commissioner and by vote of shareholders owning 2/3 of the stock entitled to vote may increase its capital stock by declaration of a stock dividend on the capital stock. After the increase the surplus of the bank shall be at least equal to 20% of the capital stock as increased.

(2) A savings bank may pay dividends on its preferred stock at a rate as may be applicable without regard to the limitations of this section.

(3) A holding company that owns common or preferred stock of a savings bank may waive its right to receive dividends and any payment in lieu of dividends.

(4) Dividends paid to shareholders under a dividend reinvestment plan shall be subject to this act regarding the payment of dividends.

History: 1996, Act 354, Imd. Eff. July 1, 1996 ;-- Am. 2000, Act 482, Imd. Eff. Jan. 11, 2001