Section 487.3313 - Issuance of certificates of stock by savings bank.

Act 354 of 1996

487.3313 Issuance of certificates of stock by savings bank.

Sec. 313.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), the shares of a savings bank shall be represented by certificates of stock that shall be issued to every shareholder and transferable on the books of the savings bank in a manner as may be prescribed in the bylaws or articles of incorporation. A transfer of stock shall not be valid against the savings bank, except with the consent of the board of directors, so long as the registered holder of the stock is liable as principal debtor, surety, or otherwise to the savings bank for any debt which is due and unpaid.

(2) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, the board may authorize the issuance of some or all of the shares of any or all of its classes or series of stock without certificates if within a reasonable time after issuance of a share without a certificate the savings bank provides the shareholder with a written statement of the information required on a certificate under subsection (5). The authorization shall not have any effect on shares already represented by certificates unless they are surrendered to the savings bank.

(3) If the registered holder of stock of a savings bank is liable to the savings bank as principal debtor, surety or otherwise for any debt which is due and unpaid, the directors of the savings bank may sell a sufficient amount of the stock of the delinquent shareholder in the same manner and with the same effect as provided in section 501. This section does not prevent the savings bank from bringing proceedings to recover the entire amount of the indebtedness at any time before the sale or to recover the balance of the debt and costs after the proceeds of sale have been applied against the debt and costs or to recover the balance of the debt after the cancellation of the stock.

(4) Except as provided in section 501, the rights of a savings bank in its stock in which the shareholder is liable to the bank as principal debtor, surety, or otherwise is subject to any pledge, sale, or other transfer of the stock that is made before the maturity of an indebtedness of the registered holder of the stock to the savings bank and of which the savings bank has knowledge before the maturity, whether or not the stock was transferred on the books of the savings bank. Any stock of a savings bank that is pledged, sold, or otherwise transferred before the maturity of any indebtedness of the registered holder of the stock to the savings bank and of which pledge, sale, or other transfer the savings bank has knowledge before the maturity, may be transferred on the books of the savings bank after the maturity without the consent of the board of directors of the savings bank.

(5) The rights of a savings bank in its stock under this section, including the limitation on transferability if the registered holder is liable to the savings bank for any debt that is due and unpaid, shall not be applicable with respect to any stock duly listed on any stock exchange.

(6) Each certificate issued after the effective date of the amendatory act that added subsection (8) shall state all of the following:

(a) The name and address of the principal office of the savings bank.

(b) The name of the holder of record of the stock it represents.

(c) The number, par value, class, and series of shares which the certificate represents.

(d) The respective voting, distribution, dividend, liquidation, dissolution, and other rights, preferences, and limitations of the stock issued, which information shall be stated in full or in summary upon the front or back of the certificate or shall be incorporated by a reference to the articles of incorporation set forth on the front of the certificate.

(e) If the stock is not listed, that no transfer of the stock shall be valid against the savings bank so long as the registered holder is liable as principal debtor, surety, or otherwise to the savings bank, except with the approval of the board of directors or as otherwise provided in this act.

(f) The signature of the president or other officer as provided by the bylaws of the savings bank and, optionally, the seal of the savings bank.

(7) All of the following may be a facsimile:

(a) The signature of a transfer agent.

(b) The signature of a registrar.

(c) The signature of an officer of the savings bank.

(d) The seal of the savings bank.

(8) If an officer who has signed a share certificate or whose facsimile signature has been used on a share certificate ceases to be an officer, whether because of death, resignation, or otherwise, before the certificate has been delivered by the savings bank, the certificate, nevertheless, may be adopted by the savings bank and delivered as though the person who signed it or whose facsimile signature has been used on the stock had not ceased to be an officer.

History: 1996, Act 354, Imd. Eff. July 1, 1996 ;-- Am. 2000, Act 482, Imd. Eff. Jan. 11, 2001