Act 233 of 1875 - CANAL OR HARBOR COMPANIES (485.1 - 485.25)
- Section 485.1 - Canal or harbor company; incorporators, procedure; articles, contents.
- Section 485.2 - Articles; signing, filing; powers of company.
- Section 485.3 - Articles; filing, prerequisites; vote of stockholder.
- Section 485.4 - Articles; certified copy as evidence.
- Section 485.5 - Directors; number, election, term, vacancy.
- Section 485.6 - Directors; quorum; selection of officers.
- Section 485.7 - President and directors; powers; annual report, contents.
- Section 485.8 - Construction of route; restrictions.
- Section 485.9 - Real estate; power to hold.
- Section 485.10 - Condemnation; procedure; use of property.
- Section 485.11 - Tolls and charges; establishment, lien, evidence.
- Section 485.12 - Injury to property; violation of regulation; liability for damages, lien.
- Section 485.13 - Repair of bridges.
- Section 485.14 - Stockholder's liability; recovery prerequisites; subrogation; contribution.
- Section 485.15 - Avoidance of payment of toll; penalty.
- Section 485.16 - Amendment or repeal.
- Section 485.17 - Taxation.
- Section 485.18 - Existing corporation; organization under act, preference in subscription.
- Section 485.19 - Failure to furnish cargo statement; penalty.
- Section 485.20 - Bonds; issuance, restrictions.
- Section 485.21 - Canal or improvement, purchase by county; procedure; operation; sale to United States.
- Section 485.22 - Canal or improvement, purchase by county; procedure; submission to electors; bonds, issuance.
- Section 485.23 - Re-instated corporations.
- Section 485.24 - Re-instated corporations; formation of companies to purchase and operate.
- Section 485.25 - Purchasing corporation; powers and duties; log interest; public rights.