Section 483.110 - Filing schedule of rates or charges; filing copies of contracts; alterations or amendments; application; approval; appeal.

Act 9 of 1929

483.110 Filing schedule of rates or charges; filing copies of contracts; alterations or amendments; application; approval; appeal.

Sec. 10.

A common purchaser or common carrier of natural gas, before receiving the gas for transmission or delivery, shall file with the commission a schedule of the rates and price at which the common purchaser or common carrier will receive gas at delivery stations from a well, field, or source of supply, as well as the rates or charges at which the common purchaser or common carrier will deliver gas to connecting carriers or distributing lines or customers, and, if the common purchaser or common carrier is operating as a carrier for hire, the rates and charges which the common purchaser or common carrier will charge for the service to be performed by it. A common purchaser or common carrier operating as a carrier for hire also shall file a copy of each contract for purchasing, receiving, or supplying gas. The price to be paid and the rates and charges shall be stated and set up in the manner and form required by the commission and outlined in the rules of the commission for filing of rates of artificial gas utilities or pursuant to rules and conditions of service adopted by the commission, which the commission may make for the regulation of common purchasers and common carriers of natural gas. Thereafter, a common purchaser or common carrier of natural gas may alter or amend its price paid, rates, charges, and conditions of service by application to and approval by the commission in the same manner and by the same process and under the same legal limitations and like right as are now provided by statute for the regulation by the commission of the rates for electricity transmitted in this state and process of appeal provided in section 26 of Act No. 300 of the Public Acts of 1909, being section 462.26 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

History: 1929, Act 9, Imd. Eff. Mar. 19, 1929 ;-- CL 1929, 11641 ;-- CL 1948, 483.110 ;-- Am. 1987, Act 6, Eff. Apr. 1, 1987
Compiler's Notes: Section 2 of Act No. 498 of the Public Acts of 1982, which act amended this section, provided that this “amendatory act shall not take effect unless House Bill No. 5719 (request no. 02467 81) of the 81st Legislature is enacted into law.” House Bill No. 5719 was not enacted into law during the 1982 Regular Session.
Admin Rule: R 460.201 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.