Act 17 of 1877 - KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGES (457.351 - 457.359)
- Section 457.351 - Knights of Pythias lodges; incorporation.
- Section 457.352 - Grand lodge; articles of association, execution, contents.
- Section 457.353 - Grand lodge; filing articles, charter, and constitution; body politic and corporate; powers.
- Section 457.354 - Grand lodge; certified copy of articles as evidence.
- Section 457.355 - Subordinate lodges; chartering; existing lodges; regulation.
- Section 457.356 - Subordinate lodge; execution and filing of articles; body politic and corporate; record of articles as evidence.
- Section 457.357 - Erection of building; capital stock, creation, shares, cemetery.
- Section 457.358 - Governing law; amendment of act.
- Section 457.359 - Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias; incorporation.